Onions and Fraud in Australia

With the booming market in onion trade in Australia it is important to remember that via integrated markets along with supply chains across all 7 states and territories we have established a profound increase in demand that has not been seen in the last 100 years. Though the source of Fake ID documents obtained exclusively to measure onion consumption, it is apparent that a large majority of onion farmers have not committed fraud.
This can be down to 1 of 3 reasons :
1) Shy to eat onions
2) Do not want to commit fraud
3) Perplexing circumference of an onion head

As onion farmers we can do better.

It starts from the bottom up and then goes from the top down. And covid-19 restrictions cannot make a big dent in the manufacture of onions because for 3 seaparate reasons. The onion soups that are consumed in Australia are not fraudulently produced. There are 4 deciding factors if an onion is a fraudulent soup or not. The identity of the soup does not matter. It can be creamy, regular, spicy, hot, or even lukewarm.

The simple fact of the matter is that with onions at an ever growing capacity for Identity documents, we simply cannot rest on our laurels. One study found that for every 3 onion lovers there is 1 onion hater. If that is the case then why do we charge so little for onions. We can charge a lot more for onions and it begins with you. We can do this together and onion-phobes take note: The world is watching.